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    Honey Bee Friendly Wild Flower Seeds 20g

    Honey Bee Friendly Wild Flower Seeds 20g


    We are delighted to have sourced these Wild Flower Seeds and packaged these into lovely Linen Gift bags.

    The 20g of mixed seeds contains Borage, Red Clover, Phacelia, Crimson Clover & Birdsfoot Trefoil.


    We’ve seen lots of mixes of seeds for Bumble Bees and Butterflies and my husband Kevin, the Bee Farmer, really wanted to find a mix of seeds specifically for Honey Bees.

    We are delighted to have sourced these Wild Flower Seeds and packaged these into lovely Linen Gift bags.

    The 20g of mixed seeds contains Borage, Red Clover, Phacelia, Crimson Clover & Birdsfoot Trefoil.

    Designed to provide season long pollen and nectar for Honey Bees.

    Plant in Spring after the last frost and can be broad cast or planted 1″ below soil surface.

    Seeds can be planted 12″ apart or broadcast over 4sq metres.

    Potential to last up to 3 years.

    Easy to establish and very striking.


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