Contact us at Busy Bees Cosmetics, either by phone or email, you can also contact us using the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you.


TEL : Julie on 07557 105495

ADDRESS : 75 Head Lane, Great Cornard, Sudbury CO10 0JS

or simply complete the attached enquiry form.

If you would like to know what we are making next please sign up for our monthly newsletter at the bottom of this page.

Busy Bees Cosmetics

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    Welcome to Busy Bees Cosmetics

    At Busy Bees Cosmetics we use the Beeswax from our Bee Hives to make natural beeswax products.

    Take a look through our online shop for details of all of products & Gift ideas, including Honey from our Bee Hives.

    We also wholesale so if you are a shop interested in stocking our products please contact us.

    For all bespoke orders including personalised Wedding Favours we would love to talk with you.

    We are Kevin & Julie Thorn, husband and wife working together as STOUR VALLEY APIARIES manufacturing and wholesaling pure Suffolk Honey.

    We are passionate about looking after our bees in Apiaries, keeping them happy and healthy, in and around Lavenham and producing pure honey with all the good bits left in.

    Using our filtered beeswax and honey to make natural products Busy Bees Cosmetics are available to buy online. Our range currently includes Lip Balms using essential oils and a natural Pet Paw Lotion for damaged and cracked paws. In June 2018 we launched our Beeswax Wraps as an alternative for clingfilm and new designs and bespoke designs are being added each month. We love creating and now have available Beeswax Wood Polish & Beeswax Soaps.

    If you would like a bespoke gift package for an event you are organising please contact Julie to discuss how I can help you.

    We love building relationships and helping so if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us



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